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Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
612,000 Subscribers
Every Single Plane Crash - Air Disasters Seasons 15 & 16
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
Most Watched Air Disasters Of 2023 ✈️ SUPER COMPILATION
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
7 Terrifying Takeoff Disasters | Air Disasters | Smithsonian
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
Every Single Plane Crash - Air Disasters Seasons 5, 6, 7
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
4 Air Disasters Caused By Ice ❄️ Air Disasters | Smithsonian
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
Every Single Plane Crash - Air Disasters Seasons 2, 3, 4
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
4 Intense Crashes Of The ‘70s ☮️ Air Disasters | Smithsonian
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
JAL 123 Stayed Airborne for 30 Minutes Without its Tail Fin
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Cockpit Voice Recorder Captures the Frantic Final Moments of
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5 Terrifying Airport Disasters ✈️ Air Disasters | Smithsonia
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
How Alaskan Rescue Choppers Can Keep Flying for Over 14 Hour
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5 Devastating Mountain Disasters 🏔 Air Disasters | Smithson
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A Miraculous Emergency Landing at Merrill Field Airport 🛩 A
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Loading a 10,000 Pound Engine into a 737 Without a Crane | I
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Two Engineers Hustle to Repair a Cell Tower Before Night | I
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This LifeMed Alaska Learjet 45 XR makes an Ideal Air Ambulan
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Air Disasters: Death and Denial 🛬 Full Episode
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
There's No Margin of Error in a Rescue Mission Over the
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
Apollo 13's splashdown site was changed at the last minu
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
A Hydraulic Fuel Leak has Alaska Airlines Techs on High Aler
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
A Vital Delivery of Medical Supplies is Almost Derailed by a
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
A String of Errors Combined to Doom Flight 965 🚨 Air Disast
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Pilots Flew Their Plane to the Wrong Side of a Mountain Rang
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The first & only time people have actually died in outer
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
French Special Forces Storm a Kidnapped Air France Flight 🇫
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5 Remote Jungle Plane Crashes 🛬 Air Disasters | Smithsonian
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
THESE Failures Led to One of the Worst Air Crashes of all Ti
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
How to recover astronauts that lands in the ocean | Aviation
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
When Air Traffic Control Overrules TCAS Sensors, Bad Things
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
Lawsuit is Filed Against Boeing for the Crash of Aeroperú Fl
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
Astronauts trained for space aboard the "Vomit Comet&qu
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
A Crash Investigator is Stunned by the Identity of a Plane’s
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
This Pilot was Blasted From His Cockpit Window at 17,000 Fee
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
The Captain is Half Out of the Airplane, Believed Dead 🛬 Ai
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
These Pilots Broke One of the Cardinal Rules of Landing an A
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
The rock that reveals critical info about the moon | Aviatio
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
How Could a Plane Lose 17 Tons of Fuel Mid-flight? 🛬 Air Di
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5 Perils Over The Pacific Ocean 🌊 Air Disasters | Smithsoni
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
This Pilot Had to Make an Impossible Series of Moves to Surv
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
The first American astronauts were basically human test dumm
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
Why No Amount of Training Could Have Saved Flight 261 🛩 Air
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The Pilot of this Faulty Plane Made a Selfless Call That Sav
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After stepping onto the moon, Apollo 11 astronauts were quar
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Needle-in-a-Haystack Ocean Search Yields Results for Flight
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
The Final Moments were a Desperate Fiery Struggle 🛬 Air Dis
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The riskiest maneuver in the history of the space program |
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
Did These Pilots Ignore the Airline’s Own Crosswind Limits?
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A Dangerous Landing in a Violent Storm 👨✈️ Air Disasters |
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation
Pilots Approaching a Runway in Bad Weather Face a Key Choice
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5 Mysterious Plane Disappearances 🛩 Air Disasters | Smithso
Smithsonian Channel Aviation Nation